Video Games
In my free time I love to play video games with my friends. I am usually playing online games like first person shooters or sometimes the occasional single player game. Some of my favorite games are Fallout 4, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Overwatch 2. I even managed to get a scholarship for a video game my senior year of high school. I did not end up taking it because it would of been still more expensive to attend the school than Fort Hays even with half off tuition.
Lifting Weights
Lifting weights is a really fun hobby of mine. I like going to the gym after a long day and being able to release some steam. I have a buddy that goes usually around the same time. We might spend more time talking than actually lifting but it makes it really fun. Being able to see your progress also really makes it fun. I am not obessed with it like some people tracking their calories and weighing their food. But I do like getting a lift and feeling my muscles tired.